Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Holy cow! I don't know where the time goes. What I thought would be a daily 'me' time blog is turning into more of a weekly thing...life gets in the way of stuff like this. My mind spins off all the time and I have all of these ideas but I never sit my butt down at the computer to write them. I must invest in one of those recorder thingies...
Anyway, to conclude my post about backing up a fifth wheel trailer - and it's challenges on the spouses involved - has posed somewhat of a dilemma to me.
It goes without saying that I don't want to portray hubby as an inept backer-upper.
Therefore, I say without hesitation that I've seen some really scary back-up moments over the years. Some of them occurred on the site we had reserved but more than a few have been observed on adjacent sites.
We had to come up with a plan for avoiding audiences...we get on the road early and we get off the road early. This is crucial to timing the backing up of the 5th wheel with as few people around as possible. It's easier to blurt out obscenities at each other when there is no one within earshot. Even with the back up camera hubby has a tough time of things. Overhead limbs appear out of nowhere and some sites are exceptionally narrow...I'll concede to that fact. We stayed at a campground near the Jersey Shore once that I'm sure half of the occupants, after their stint in this location, ended up hidden somewhere in the Pine Barrens never to be seen again. Oddly enough, that was the summer we chose to bring along the HBO series 'The Sopranos'.
Anyway, God Bless the person who came up with the concept of the Pull-through. It's made arriving to one's destination of the day to be a much more pleasant experience. Cocktail hour becomes more of a civil occasion rather than grabbing that bottle of rum and swigging a few chugs just to get your nervous system back to normal.
And that's all I have to say of backing up a 5th wheel trailer since I'm not the driver and I don't want it to get around that hubby would drive 50 miles out of his way in order to avoid backing up...after all, I've really started liking this travelling thing we do each summer and I don't want him looking for a replacement navigator.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Since I was taught to drive by my father in 1969, I’ve never been a good backer upper.

I do much better now that I don’t listen to the radio.
And I don't want you to think I'm constantly backing into things - but I will admit I have a couple of tales that are real doozies.

Understand too, that today I parallel parked perfectly in front of the Post Office on a local avenue.

My first experience of not 'noticing what was behind me' was when I was 17 and my brother came home from serving in the Army with a brand new Italian sports car.

It was a pretty red color with a black convertable top. Even cooler was when there was one in the movie 'The Graduate." 

My favorite brother drove it all over Europe and shipped it back to the great state of New Jersey after serving in the Army. I should also mention that it was damaged during shipping and so he waited even longer because it went from the ship right to a body shop.
I felt bad for him. I mean, the poor guy gets home, his car is wrecked in transit – and all he wanted was to get out of the service and drive that thing and start his life after the military.

This is where I come in.
One minute my mother is handing me the keys to her huge Buick station wagon to go get a gallon of milk and the next minute I’m looking in the rear view mirror at a cloud of dust.

I put the car in park and then saw, through the dust, a hint of red.

Yes, you're correct -I had literally backed out of the garage not 'noticing' the car parked on the gravel drive, proceeded to t-bone it with the rear end of my dad’s car!
It was a classic - I not only backed into - but pushed about 25 feet -my wonderful brother’s brand new Alfa Romeo Spider Veloce convertible.

It was not one of my finer driving experiences.

Note also, the parked station wagon's radio was so loud it was deafening.

Immediately I jumped out screaming that crazy hysterical Jersey Girl scream and my brother – well, he comes running out of the house, shaving cream on half his face with one of those old fashioned razor’s in his hand.

The vision of him in his robe, white undershirt and boxer shorts is burned in my memory.

He looked at the car, then  me and his head dropped forward so that when he raised it again, there was shaving cream on his chest of his v neck undershirt where his chin had hit.

"Son of a Bitch".

That’s all he said as he turned around and went back inside.
I was still hysterical…and my mother was furious!

I never did go get that gallon of milk.

Backing up is really important when you own an RV, Trailer, Fifth Wheel or anything for that matter.
We have the fifth-wheel but even the name confuses me.
It only has 4 wheels. The truck has 4 wheels.  Fifth Wheel????

Anyway, backing up isn't real popular with my husband, but only when he's pulling the trailer. Otherwise, he's the best backer upper going as well as pretty perfect going forward. He is also left handed. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I think it has something to do with why he has problems backing up the trailer. It must be that 'fifth wheel' thingie.

I have to be really, really careful with this story line.
So this is the part one blog of ‘How the RV Pull-Through Concept of RV Sites Is Saving Many Marriages.’

Happy trails till next time.