Wednesday, September 19, 2012


A group of local women I know, many for some time now, get together on a regular basis. I like to think of us as a unique and beautiful collection of the female persuasion. Intelligent and passionate; our backgrounds are as varied as our number which over the years has hovered close to 30. Yes, that's right - 30.

That's a lot of beauty, intelligence and passion.

If there is a poster child of groups of women who gather together - it is this collection of ladies who call themselves CLUB MEETING.

Two words, which when appear in the subject line of our unread email lists, we are delighted, thankfully, that this will continue to bring this eclectic assembly together.

I do not profess to be any sort of leader or spokeswomen for these women.

But my life would be totally different, perhaps non-existent, if not for this group of friends. That's a pretty powerful statement to make; even more so to commit to the written word.

These gals have embraced my affection and amusement for changing my hair as well as my frightening willingness to change it by way of curling, dyeing it dark, bleaching it platinum, frosting, cutting it off and growing out what God has blessed me with. I know they speak of this behind my back but they are never shy about telling me to my face what they think.

I love my girlfriends.

Having said all this, I attribute this particular call to the keyboard to the lovely person who came up to me today and asked if I was blogging again because they saw a recent one on Facebook; I occasionally do and know who you are and I am dedicating this blog to you!

In my world which includes my 'guilty' pleasure of watching ALL of those Real Housewives on Bravo TV, I just thought it would be nice to share that not all women who gather together fight and get nasty.

Some just have fun, laugh, take photos we can't publish, drink too much, talk too loud in public places, accuse bartenders of not putting any tequila in our margaritas (that is when it is never pretty), bond and enjoy our animal print obsessions (that would be me; but I AM from New Jersey!)

So here's another blog, another window into my personality disorder and another reason to be thankful for my girlfriends.

Consider this some fodder to help take your minds off of your tanking 401k's if you are fortunate to have one left
and those wars in the Middle East they all told us would be over by now.

I like to tell jokes, and be funny at times. I also live to write poetry and this blogging stuff is my excuse to write and have to type a little so I don't forget how.

Here's to my friends, old and new, welcome to real 'reality'. It's not mean-spirited and full of terrible drama.
Maybe we're just getting too damn old for drama and just happy to be healthy enough to go out and party.

That is a wonderful thing.


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