Saturday, August 28, 2010


Good Morning,

For some reason, that little ditty by the late, great Johnny Cash has been spinning in my head. I don't know why my brain does that but it's okay because I usually like the song I can't get rid of.

Overall, it's been a good week - if you have not watched the news.

On the bright side, there are some good things to note:  like those miners who are still alive, and the Yankee Team members who took that blind lady to a Yankees ballgame and let her touch their faces. There are thousands of good things that happened but they don't make the networks at night. It's too bad because I would watch a show like that.

We all know babies were born this week, neighbors helped each other, kids learned some new stuff as they've started back to school and someone somewhere adopted a puppy.

There's so much good stuff out there - but you have to really look to find it.

That's where I come in!

I'm determined to make this site for good news only. At the very least if I speak of a serious subject, I will put my odd sense of humor to it and lesson the drama. Even the bad news is gonna be good! I know it's possible and it will happen and I will stay focused!

I'll be telling stories from past experiences as during this time of year the trailer is sitting on it's cement pad out next to the garage, which obviously means we are not in travel mode. That can be a good thing. For most of us, and I took an unofficial survey on the road this summer - trailer and camping folks all work for a living. Some actually are retired and to that I say 'good for you'.

We're just thankful my husband has has a job. We are blessed during these times that our household has a real income because so many are really hurting out there.

I don't want to get into politickin' (they say that everywhere and I hope I spelled it correctly...but, and that's a BIG BUT- those folks in our Nation's Capitol are obviously not RVers.  We know that because we see them on the televosopm when they campaign in those fancy, schmancy buses - but that is the closest they get to camping and even then they probably don't sleep in them!

My point today is, well really, I don't have a point. This next statement is why:

When I signed on today I had this advertisement appear on my email page about 'If you owe more than $729,000K on your mortgage the government will help you refinance your home at 3 point somethin' percent'. What the Heck!!!!

It just doesn't make sense to me.

Peace and love,

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Good Day to You,

I have not lost my enthusiasm for this  blog; I am, however learning more and more of how little I know about this stuff.

I still don't know why some of you are saying you wrote comments but they did not show up.

Beats me.

All I know is that when I checked my blog last night it started with a warning about ADULT CONTENT-HIT YES TO PROCEED....I don't know why that suddenly appeared but I found out how to get rid of it.

When I first started doing this, my adult child simply 'rolled his eyes' and said something that was not unkind - but I didn't consider it an endorsement either.

Hubby probably didn't quite grab the concept at first; actually he is like me. I don't typically read blogs.

I knew that Brian Williams had a blog because he says so at the end of the NBC Nightly News sometimes.

Which reminds me, I need to look him up to see what he has to say. I want to let him know that he really wears some awesome ties too.

Truthfully, I had never read a blog until I wrote one.

Well, wait, that's sorta a white lie because I did click on BRAVO TV's homepage and saw Blogs in the list of stuff they have. I clicked on 'Bethanny' or 'Theresa' and there were lots of comments so it is possible to leave one.

I want my readers to be mindful of the fact that I have 'self imposed rules'. If you know me in any way, you will know that it is good for me to have rules. Since kindergarten I have had to be told to calm down. I don't consider it a fault but it is something I deal with daily. My brain is like a car that is parked in the driveway, the ignition is in park and the motor is running - unfortunately, the gas pedal is stuck to the floor. That is the only way I can explain how my brain works. I'm not normal. 

I'm glad I got that off my chest.

Anyway, as far as those rules I'm talking about:  there will be no swearing; and this is huge for me because I have been known to have a tendency to use words I should not.

Also I will never name real names (except for my dedication)...partly because I don't want to get sued for any reason and mostly because since I can't remember simple things like where I put my keys  or where I parked my car at Publix puts me at risk of not giving credit to the right person for saying or doing something I feel worthy of note.

I abide by the rule 'to be anonymous is to be content' if you decide to 'Follow' me - you're safe. I'm cool with that.

The identity of your camping/travel/life stories and antics -as well as mine- will remain a mystery to those reading this. Of course, that goes out the window if you live in the same small town as I do. But even then, we're all pretty laid back so no worries. It's not like Oprah's people will call me up to do a segment on trailer life or camping with 4 dogs and hubby.

I will close today by saying that I'm not going to stop Blogging because no one is 'Following' me or posting comments.

Greatness takes time and after all, I have to pay my dues.

Happy trails till we meet again....

Patty Cakes

Monday, August 23, 2010


There is a 'Buddy World'  in Trailerdise.................

If you are onboard with the phrase ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ then I can truly say with authority that ‘camping (or rv-ing) creates a world of buddies’. Now for all you college professors out there, defines a buddy as follows:

 ˈbʌd iShow Spelled [buhd-ee] Show IPA noun,plural-dies, verb,-died, -dy•ing. Informal.
1. comrade or chum (often used as a term of address).
2. bud
–verb (used without object)
3. to be a companion; be friendly or on intimate terms.
—Verb phrases
4. buddy up,
and so on…(there’s more but you get my point)
Origin: 1840–50, Americanism; perh. reduced form of brother

My point here is that there is an entire “Buddy World” out there - folks just like you and me who have met really, really special people in our travels and at campgrounds, state parks and such. It is simply astonishing how friendly campers and travelers in the U.S.A. can be. I can’t speak for the rest of the world because I haven’t been there yet.

Now face it, there are some nasty ones too, but in that case they are not a buddy.

It’s that simple.

Like I said in an earlier posting, camping is all about back to basics – the way life used to be - you know, when you walked up to people and just started talking.

It warms the heart to know there is a “Buddy World” out there. These are folks that will ask you what part of New Jersey you’re from because they see your tag says “Garden State”. All of a sudden, there you go – you have a new buddy!!!

Now stay with me here, I’m almost done … in the interest of privacy and all that is legal, know that from this point forward, all of you campers who meet other campers are all part of “Buddy World”! It won’t get you towed to the nearest tire center but being a buddy is just about the best thing about camping and traveling.

Some buddies will become really good friends. When all is said and done friends are a very good thing.

So here’s to being a buddy and why I like camping so much.

Happy Trails till we meet again.

Friday, August 20, 2010



First I'll let you know, if you haven't figured out already, that I'm new to this whole blog thing. Actually, I am pretty inept at anything that is terribly technical.

Call me old school. Truthfully I'm just one of millions of baby boomers born in the late 40's or early 50's, that for whatever reason, didn't get beyond the email phase of  all the Internet offers. I will admit  though 'Googleing" and looking at Google Earth  is really, really, wicked cool .

I'm being told that some of you are unable to post comments on my blog. I'm going to have to look that up. Unlike some "Real Housewives" I do not have a personal assistant. I promised hubby I would spend no more than 1 hour per day on this. I have other things to do to keep this household running smoothly like every other woman on the planet.

Having said all this, I was thinking yesterday of my previous post with the little reading about camping. That particular little recipe booklet was dedicated to a person named "Edith" and it got me to thinking....

I am dedicating this blog to every friend I've ever had, and I do not use that term lightly.

I would however, like to give top billing of this dedication to one of my oldest and dearest friends -Carolyn. Since the early 70's when we met while working for a major insurance company until today, Carolyn remains my true mentor and friend.

God comes first, then my husband, children and family - then Carolyn. Her guidance, wisdom and presence in my life has given me immeasurable gifts.

I tell her to this day how blessed I am to have her in my life - she is still doing well even though she's approaching octagenarianism soon. I don't know if that's even a word. She excells at golf, carries herself like a lady and is the type of gal who, when walking into a room, would turn heads no matter what the gender. If you've ever heard the term 'aura', well Carolyn has a big one.

So here's to you Carolyn, this whole blog, however long it lasts, is for you. You told me to write and that is what I will do. From the bottom of my heart dear lady, you have brought me through both pleasant and unpleasant times in my life's journey with your gentle way-I remain forever grateful. I have learned from you that no matter what life throw's at you, it can be handled with dignity and grace. God Bless you,

To the rest of you who are tuning in, thank you for giving me some space to do this dedication today. I'll soon follow with more trailer/travel/life/antics of on the road or off  'wisdom' - on Monday.

I'm taking the week-end off because I can.

Stay safe and remember to look up at the clouds and the stars - we just don't do that enough.

Peace and Love,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I'm going to share a writing that I found wandering around a camp store in Maine.

It always amazes me at the things these little stores keep in their stock...some are better than others but for the most part, if you're RVing, sometimes the closest thing you'll find to a mall is the campground's store.

You will find the darndest things that are local to the area which is always fun. Lord knows every trailer needs a set of hand carved salt and pepper shakers that look like little Adirondack chairs.

Now I have to say,  I'm not known for my shopping skills, but just getting a bit of distance between me and the husband after a long day on the road can be a good thing. (Especially if it's not a pull - through site..)

We will discuss my husband's back up skills another day :).

Please note again that I did not write this but it appeared in one of those locally done recipe booklets. 

The little publication was just full of great stuff and  dedicated to a woman named Edith Morey. She was one of the original founders of this campground in Maine we found by accident. God Bless Edith wherever she is. Here it is as it appears in the booklet, with no title:

Camping is more than just getting away.
It's a clear blue sky,
the song of a bird,
the beckoning woods,
the wide open spaces.

Camping is greeting the breath of dawn
unhindered by the walls of city life
and watching the sun set in ribbons of color
as it says "good night" to a perfect day.

Camping makes hearts grow lighter
and food taste better.
It's sharing stories around a Campfire
and gazing up in silence
at a star-filled sky.

Camping is more than just getting away.
It's the thing we need to rekindle
the spirit of a simpler time,
refresh our hearts with nature's beauty
and remind us that life
doesn't need to be
quite so complicated
after all.
Here's to safe travels and blue skies...wherever it is you're calling home this day.


( if any of you  with a computer wishes to research the poems origin, please feel free and tell us who wrote this lovely should be given where credit is due. )

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hello there,

It's going to be another hot one so I'm hanging inside doing things around the house. The house without the wheels.

For the record and to avoid confusion in my blogs, I'll refer to two houses - the house we live in most of the time - and the RV 5th wheel trailer.

If you own a trailer, no matter how modest, it's a house on wheels.

RV, motorcoach, class A, class C, 20 ft., 40 doesn't's a trailer and it doesn't mean you're trash.
Some of my RV friends object when I call it a trailer because technically speaking, it is a Fifth Wheel with 1 slide-out.  At least that's the type of trailer we have now.....

But let me explain how this real working/housewife - born in the Bronx and raised in New Jersey 
 - came to be  The Real Trailer Housewife.

Here's the story...
We have had a trailer since the Spring of 2005.  Having 3 back to back hurricanes in 2004,  my husband and I decided we needed a plan in case we ever had to leave our house. Being dog owners and not wanting to impose on anyone in the event of  a major storm, we decided a trailer was the way to go...

Really, if you went through what we have, living on a barrier island on Florida's east coast, and you watch TV after a huge hurricane (who picks those people to talk on tv????), you pretty much get it that you MUST have a plan...

So we started perusing the papers and the internet, as well as many issues of RV Trader and we bought our first trailer!!!

It was a Class C vision of mauve and aqua with a tiny little toilet/shower (yes, it was all in the same space).

Supposedly it slept 8-10 but no one in their right mind would do that! It was a gem. The manufacturer named it 'Seven Seas' but by the time we finished our first trip I dubbed it the 'Seven Sleaze'...that should tell you something of our first mis-adventure...

Gosh, time sure flies on this computer and my back tells me if I sit too long, so you're going to have to hear the rest of the story another day.

I'm going to sign off now but I hope you are all having a travelling good time...wherever you are calling home today.

Safe travels to you.