Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Good Day to You,

I have not lost my enthusiasm for this  blog; I am, however learning more and more of how little I know about this stuff.

I still don't know why some of you are saying you wrote comments but they did not show up.

Beats me.

All I know is that when I checked my blog last night it started with a warning about ADULT CONTENT-HIT YES TO PROCEED....I don't know why that suddenly appeared but I found out how to get rid of it.

When I first started doing this, my adult child simply 'rolled his eyes' and said something that was not unkind - but I didn't consider it an endorsement either.

Hubby probably didn't quite grab the concept at first; actually he is like me. I don't typically read blogs.

I knew that Brian Williams had a blog because he says so at the end of the NBC Nightly News sometimes.

Which reminds me, I need to look him up to see what he has to say. I want to let him know that he really wears some awesome ties too.

Truthfully, I had never read a blog until I wrote one.

Well, wait, that's sorta a white lie because I did click on BRAVO TV's homepage and saw Blogs in the list of stuff they have. I clicked on 'Bethanny' or 'Theresa' and there were lots of comments so it is possible to leave one.

I want my readers to be mindful of the fact that I have 'self imposed rules'. If you know me in any way, you will know that it is good for me to have rules. Since kindergarten I have had to be told to calm down. I don't consider it a fault but it is something I deal with daily. My brain is like a car that is parked in the driveway, the ignition is in park and the motor is running - unfortunately, the gas pedal is stuck to the floor. That is the only way I can explain how my brain works. I'm not normal. 

I'm glad I got that off my chest.

Anyway, as far as those rules I'm talking about:  there will be no swearing; and this is huge for me because I have been known to have a tendency to use words I should not.

Also I will never name real names (except for my dedication)...partly because I don't want to get sued for any reason and mostly because since I can't remember simple things like where I put my keys  or where I parked my car at Publix puts me at risk of not giving credit to the right person for saying or doing something I feel worthy of note.

I abide by the rule 'to be anonymous is to be content' if you decide to 'Follow' me - you're safe. I'm cool with that.

The identity of your camping/travel/life stories and antics -as well as mine- will remain a mystery to those reading this. Of course, that goes out the window if you live in the same small town as I do. But even then, we're all pretty laid back so no worries. It's not like Oprah's people will call me up to do a segment on trailer life or camping with 4 dogs and hubby.

I will close today by saying that I'm not going to stop Blogging because no one is 'Following' me or posting comments.

Greatness takes time and after all, I have to pay my dues.

Happy trails till we meet again....

Patty Cakes


Anonymous said...

Hey Trish! I'm following you on your blog! Bev H.

Unknown said...

Thank you my friend.

ForeverAmber said...

Hi, I am here reading and following you as well. Keep it up. I am not sure about blogging either although I have started one. I think it is just an avenue to express oursleves. And I bet your are having fun with it. I am.

kt said...

A blog is a diary but it is easier on the hands to type than to write. Also there is not scribbling out if you've written something you've thought better of. Just highlight and delete and it never happened! LOL

I just love to write and when traveling I have a whole group of friends--my roadies--who want to know what is happening and where we've been. My blog is a daily report and I send them the pictures I've taken that day to show them what our country looks like. Only those who have said they want to get the blog and pix do--I have no problem if they have no interest in getting it.
I always say I'm going to journal too but by the end of the first week or so the journal goes away and I just blog.