Saturday, August 28, 2010


Good Morning,

For some reason, that little ditty by the late, great Johnny Cash has been spinning in my head. I don't know why my brain does that but it's okay because I usually like the song I can't get rid of.

Overall, it's been a good week - if you have not watched the news.

On the bright side, there are some good things to note:  like those miners who are still alive, and the Yankee Team members who took that blind lady to a Yankees ballgame and let her touch their faces. There are thousands of good things that happened but they don't make the networks at night. It's too bad because I would watch a show like that.

We all know babies were born this week, neighbors helped each other, kids learned some new stuff as they've started back to school and someone somewhere adopted a puppy.

There's so much good stuff out there - but you have to really look to find it.

That's where I come in!

I'm determined to make this site for good news only. At the very least if I speak of a serious subject, I will put my odd sense of humor to it and lesson the drama. Even the bad news is gonna be good! I know it's possible and it will happen and I will stay focused!

I'll be telling stories from past experiences as during this time of year the trailer is sitting on it's cement pad out next to the garage, which obviously means we are not in travel mode. That can be a good thing. For most of us, and I took an unofficial survey on the road this summer - trailer and camping folks all work for a living. Some actually are retired and to that I say 'good for you'.

We're just thankful my husband has has a job. We are blessed during these times that our household has a real income because so many are really hurting out there.

I don't want to get into politickin' (they say that everywhere and I hope I spelled it correctly...but, and that's a BIG BUT- those folks in our Nation's Capitol are obviously not RVers.  We know that because we see them on the televosopm when they campaign in those fancy, schmancy buses - but that is the closest they get to camping and even then they probably don't sleep in them!

My point today is, well really, I don't have a point. This next statement is why:

When I signed on today I had this advertisement appear on my email page about 'If you owe more than $729,000K on your mortgage the government will help you refinance your home at 3 point somethin' percent'. What the Heck!!!!

It just doesn't make sense to me.

Peace and love,

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