Friday, August 20, 2010



First I'll let you know, if you haven't figured out already, that I'm new to this whole blog thing. Actually, I am pretty inept at anything that is terribly technical.

Call me old school. Truthfully I'm just one of millions of baby boomers born in the late 40's or early 50's, that for whatever reason, didn't get beyond the email phase of  all the Internet offers. I will admit  though 'Googleing" and looking at Google Earth  is really, really, wicked cool .

I'm being told that some of you are unable to post comments on my blog. I'm going to have to look that up. Unlike some "Real Housewives" I do not have a personal assistant. I promised hubby I would spend no more than 1 hour per day on this. I have other things to do to keep this household running smoothly like every other woman on the planet.

Having said all this, I was thinking yesterday of my previous post with the little reading about camping. That particular little recipe booklet was dedicated to a person named "Edith" and it got me to thinking....

I am dedicating this blog to every friend I've ever had, and I do not use that term lightly.

I would however, like to give top billing of this dedication to one of my oldest and dearest friends -Carolyn. Since the early 70's when we met while working for a major insurance company until today, Carolyn remains my true mentor and friend.

God comes first, then my husband, children and family - then Carolyn. Her guidance, wisdom and presence in my life has given me immeasurable gifts.

I tell her to this day how blessed I am to have her in my life - she is still doing well even though she's approaching octagenarianism soon. I don't know if that's even a word. She excells at golf, carries herself like a lady and is the type of gal who, when walking into a room, would turn heads no matter what the gender. If you've ever heard the term 'aura', well Carolyn has a big one.

So here's to you Carolyn, this whole blog, however long it lasts, is for you. You told me to write and that is what I will do. From the bottom of my heart dear lady, you have brought me through both pleasant and unpleasant times in my life's journey with your gentle way-I remain forever grateful. I have learned from you that no matter what life throw's at you, it can be handled with dignity and grace. God Bless you,

To the rest of you who are tuning in, thank you for giving me some space to do this dedication today. I'll soon follow with more trailer/travel/life/antics of on the road or off  'wisdom' - on Monday.

I'm taking the week-end off because I can.

Stay safe and remember to look up at the clouds and the stars - we just don't do that enough.

Peace and Love,

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